Pre/Post Campaign Studies

Pre/Post (live) campaign studies evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns by comparing audience perceptions and behaviors before and after the campaign runs. This method provides real-world insights into how well the campaign achieved its objectives, enabling stations to provide concrete proof of the campaign’s success.


  • Baseline and post-campaign surveys
  • Audience reach and frequency analysis
  • Behavioral tracking and analytics
  • Brand awareness measurement
  • Purchase intent analysis
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Cross-platform performance comparison
  • Detailed reporting and insights

Use Cases

  1. Demonstrating the impact of campaigns to advertisers
  2. Measuring changes in brand awareness due to your platform
  3. Evaluating shifts in audience perceptions after a campaign
  4. Tracking changes in purchase intent from your audience
  5. Comparing the effectiveness of different media channels on your platform
  6. Identifying the most effective ad creatives run on your platform
  7. Understanding the long-term impact of campaigns run on your platform
  8. Optimizing future advertising strategies based on past performance
  9. Analyzing competitive campaign performance on your platform
  10. Validating media spend effectiveness to attract more advertisers
  11. Assessing brand change awareness before and after campaigns
