State of Spanish-Language Media 2024: Video Edition

State of Spanish-Language Media 2024: Video Edition

We’re excited to share the release of the “State of Spanish Language Media 2024: Video Edition,” a comprehensive look into the video consumption habits of Spanish-speaking audiences. Produced by Harker Bos Group and Crowd React Media, this report builds off of the audio insights we released earlier this year and dives into the diverse ways people engage with video content. From cable and satellite TV to streaming platforms and YouTube, we surveyed over 500 Spanish-language video consumers to get a clearer picture of how they’re watching content. Spoiler alert: the numbers are fascinating!

One of the most notable takeaways is the strong presence of streaming platforms in these households—84% of respondents watch streaming video, outpacing cable and satellite TV by 15%. Yet, traditional media is far from obsolete. In fact, 54% of respondents still watch cable regularly, with 44% clocking in four or more hours per day. Local news also remains a key draw, especially for the 55+ crowd, with 83% tuning in through traditional TV.


Interested in learning more? Download the full Video report for an in-depth look at these trends and more. 

Be sure to check out our Spanish-language Audio report, while you’re at it.