Radio is Already Poised to Win Big with Advertisers

Radio is Already Poised to Win Big with Advertisers

I recently read in a TV trade publication that, this year, ad spends for digital video is expected to surpass linear TV for the first time ever. With these digital video ads, consumers now expect brands to create innovative, personalized ads that truly connect with them.

This made me think about how radio is already in a strong position in this regard. Our research shows that radio is a highly trusted medium that creates a personalized connection with its listeners, whether over-the-air (OTA) or streaming. There is something uniquely personal about the audio connection that video cannot replicate, as well as the element of locality that radio brings to the table.

Because there is already a strong connection between a radio station’s brand and its audience, radio is poised to win big for its advertisers. When you advertise on radio, you are ahead of the game compared to digital video. Digital video must create “innovative” and “personalized” ads that “connect.” Radio already has two of these three qualities: “personal” and “audience connection.” With skilled copy produced by stations, radio can achieve all three. Meanwhile, digital video is still figuring out how to achieve this level of connection.

Want to convince your clients of the impact of radio even more? Consider advertising research with Harker Bos Group. We can quantify your station’s impact with your real listeners and create a sales deck to wow your prospective clients and reengage your current ones. Contact us today to learn more.